Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crayon Holder

Love this idea for crayon holder.

Original idea found here.

Line Paper

A great website to print off line paper!

Find it here.

Tattle Monster

I plan on hanging this in my classroom. From my experiences in the classroom, I find that young students love to tattle. It is often a HUGE waste of time. This will help manage all the tattle tales.

I found this idea here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I used this lesson plan for early field experience class. The topic was "Nouns". The students loved the scavenger hunt. I also read them the book: A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink. Great lesson!

I sent home a worksheet for homework. Students are to go around their homes finding nouns.

Lesson Plan and Scavenger Hunt: Here
Homework Scavenger Hunt: Here